CLASS OF 2010 - April, Archie, Aria, Ashleigh, Audrey, Ben, Claudia, Codey, Ella, Grace, Isabella, Jake, Jamison, Jasmine, Kate, Katelyn, Max, Millie, Pari, Pero, Peta, Ryen, Sam, Savanna, Te Meihana and Zane
Week 9 - The Sound of the Week is 't'
Congratulations Peta and Katelyn - You received your certificates for improving your writing skills.
Reminders - Off to test our boats on Tuesday from 11-12.
Learning Team Celebration Assembly is on Thursday from 11-12.
This week's GOLD slip challenge - Leave your 5 spelling words on the blog

Final Sign Off

I just want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and happy holidays. I have enjoyed sharing your childrens' learning with you and hope you have enjoyed reading it too.
Miss Sutherland

Leave your spelling words here

Our SOTW is...

Can you guess this week's sound of the week?

The Writers' Window

In the weekend I watched Hot Chick and there was a name called April. It is my movie because I bought it with my own money. It was expensive. I got it because we bought it and we watched it. He went to the police car and got out and he went in a bush because he escaped. It was funny. He wasn’t in jail.
By Jake

My mum gave me a book. I like this book.
By Max

My brother sleeps all night. My brother is 9. How am I going to stop him coming into my bed? I know, I will use my stop sign I made because that will help.
By Codey

Once upon a time there was a fairy called Laura. She was a tidy fairy. The next day she went for a walk in the garden. She picked some roses. They were red. She did some rolly pollies down the hill. Then she went back to work. She had to do the dishes every day and the washing. She liked doing the dishes. After she watches tv she watches the cooking programme.
By Claudia

Room 17 has talent!