CLASS OF 2010 - April, Archie, Aria, Ashleigh, Audrey, Ben, Claudia, Codey, Ella, Grace, Isabella, Jake, Jamison, Jasmine, Kate, Katelyn, Max, Millie, Pari, Pero, Peta, Ryen, Sam, Savanna, Te Meihana and Zane
Week 9 - The Sound of the Week is 't'
Congratulations Peta and Katelyn - You received your certificates for improving your writing skills.
Reminders - Off to test our boats on Tuesday from 11-12.
Learning Team Celebration Assembly is on Thursday from 11-12.
This week's GOLD slip challenge - Leave your 5 spelling words on the blog

Here are our jellyfish.

Leaving Comments

Please note that from today, leaving comments on our blog has changed slightly. From now on when you leave a comment you won't be able to see it on our blog straight away. It will be sent to my email address and I will check that it's not just someone being silly.
From Miss Sutherland


Share your question with Mum and Dad. Perhaps they can help you find some information to help answer your question.

Can you work out what's inside these jars?

We are making some birds.

This week we have started making our birds because "b' is the sound of the week. We are learning about endangered birds. Some of us are making a takahe, some of us a making a kakapo and some of us are making a kiwi. Which one are you doing?

Spelling Progress

Every time you get all your spelling words correct, you will get a sticker to put on your grape. Well done if you got all your words correct this week. You're awesome!

Learn to Play.....

C *C * G* G* A A A A G *
F * F * E * E * D * D * C* * *

Writers' Window

Kate wrote...
On Saturday I read Daniel some books. Daniel's favourite is The Little Puppy's First Christmas. Mum and Daddy had a sleep in. By the time we got down to the bedroom the clock was on seven dot dot five zero!

Peta wrote...
I have long hair in a ponytail. I like my ponytail because my mum put it in a ponytail. I hope mum puts my hair in a pony tail tomorrow.

Our sound of the week is 'Bb'

Here are some of our displays

Here we are with our buddies.

We are learning to speak Maori.

Try saying these sentences at home. Fill in the gaps with your own information.

Ko ________________ ahau. I am _______________.
Ko ________________ toku mama. ______________ is my mum.
Ko ________________ toku papa. _______________ is my dad.

Writers' Window

Millie wrote.......

One day a dinosaur came to help me climb up the igloo. He taught me how to do flips on the igloo and swing all the way across. He helped me go across by myself and he taught me how to run all away around the school doing the cross country. He helped me read my book too. He came to our house and he played every day. Sometimes we played dinosaurs and we danced in the weekend. My mum played ring a ring of roses. We loved falling over heaps and heaps of times. It was fun having a dinosaur at my house.

Poem - Week 4


Spread your arms, way out wide,
Fly like a Pteranodon, soar and glide.

Bend to the floor, head down low,
Move like Stegosaurus, long ago.

Reach up tall, try to be
As tall as Apatosaurus eating on a tree.

Using your claws, grumble and growl
Just like Tyrannosaurus on the prowl.
Do you know any other dinosaurs?

Click on the dinosaur to play some dinosaur games

Our colouring and cutting activity was...

What other words do you know that begin with this sound?

Poem - Week 3

The ladybird's a beetle.
It's shaped like a pea.
Its colour is a bright red
With lots of spots to see.
Although the name is "ladybird",
Some ladybirds are men
So why don't we say "gentleman bug"
Every now and then?