CLASS OF 2010 - April, Archie, Aria, Ashleigh, Audrey, Ben, Claudia, Codey, Ella, Grace, Isabella, Jake, Jamison, Jasmine, Kate, Katelyn, Max, Millie, Pari, Pero, Peta, Ryen, Sam, Savanna, Te Meihana and Zane
Week 9 - The Sound of the Week is 't'
Congratulations Peta and Katelyn - You received your certificates for improving your writing skills.
Reminders - Off to test our boats on Tuesday from 11-12.
Learning Team Celebration Assembly is on Thursday from 11-12.
This week's GOLD slip challenge - Leave your 5 spelling words on the blog

Click on the image to make it bigger

Here are our goldfish

Congratulations to our super spellers!
You got 5/5 in your spelling test. Well done!

It's All Clear Now

My friends wonder about Zebras
I always hear them fight –
Is a Zebra white with black stripes?
Or is it black with white?

I know the truth, but can’t divulge –
I took a secret oath.
So I simply cannot tell you that
A Zebra is clear, with both.

...and here are our astronauts

Here are our 'grape' spellers

Well done to these children for getting all their spelling words right.

You are our 'grape' spellers!

Week 6 poem

It’s A Blast

Put on your spacesuit we’re going to the moon.
Climb around the rocket ship.
We’re going to blast off soon.
Put on your helmet.
Strap yourself in tight.
Check your controls and instruments.
Get ready for the flight.
Time for your journey.
The countdown has begun.
Here we go, get ready, get set!
5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Blast off!

Our SOTW is Aa

Farewell Miss Fraser

Miss Fraser finished her placement in our classroom on Friday but she left us some lovely gifts.
We will all miss you very much.

Writers' Window

Isabella wrote....
Today I am going to the disco. I will be getting a drink and some chips and fizzy too. I hope there will be a ball. All my friends are going to be there. Aria is going to be there but Jake's not going to be there. Katelyn is going to be there. Peta is going too. My dad gave us $6 so we could get in for all my family. Rhiannon and Connor are coming with me but their disco is at a different time.

Katelyn wrote....
Today we are going to the disco. We will get to get some chips and some drink. I will have fun. Very, very cool. The chips will be yum.

Audrey wrote....
I went to the pool. I went swimming with my mum. Dad sat beside the pool.