CLASS OF 2010 - April, Archie, Aria, Ashleigh, Audrey, Ben, Claudia, Codey, Ella, Grace, Isabella, Jake, Jamison, Jasmine, Kate, Katelyn, Max, Millie, Pari, Pero, Peta, Ryen, Sam, Savanna, Te Meihana and Zane
Week 9 - The Sound of the Week is 't'
Congratulations Peta and Katelyn - You received your certificates for improving your writing skills.
Reminders - Off to test our boats on Tuesday from 11-12.
Learning Team Celebration Assembly is on Thursday from 11-12.
This week's GOLD slip challenge - Leave your 5 spelling words on the blog

Dress Up Day

This term we have been learning about different jobs people do. Today we came dressed up like what we want to be when we grow up.